Tuesday, February 11, 2014

02/11/14, Earth Time: 06:00 AM, EST, Tuesday – The Story of Terlokya - Glitch

Greetings and salutations. Caslaikove here. Last week I told about high speed space travel by Split Magnetic Field Travel, but there was a glitch. Whenever a field was split, another split developed elsewhere in the field ... called a rif. It could be close by or at the opposite side of the field. The same thing occurs on the exit … the exits could be close to each other or far apart. To make this even more complicated, no two magnetic fields are alike in size of shape. It might appear that this really shouldn’t be a problem. A ship enters the entrance of the split and exits the split on the ‘projected’ path. However, a ship could enter rif and exit the rif … where ever the entrance and exit might be.

Where the glitch became problematic, was when a ship entered the rif and exited the rif. Let me restate that the rif entrance and exit could be far away from the split entrance and exit. But that also means the entrances could be far apart but the exits could be close together. That doesn’t appear to be a problem. That is, as long as you know who is entering the rif.

NEXT WEEK  - “A New Enemy”

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