Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I'm Back with a new idea ...

It has been a while since I've posted anything here. But there is something we are going to join in with and that's from the writer Fritz, who is using Tumblr to tell his story ... The Odyssey of This Writer. Since that has been a success, I thought I'd replicate it here for those interested. The one on Tumblr comes out every Tuesday. But we're going to play catchup. I'll start from the beginning and keep it going. We'll never catch up but at least for those interested, you'll be able to follow something now instead of my past ramblings here.

This blog, (The Blog of Caslaikove) actually started on Oct 1, 2008. Last post was Sept 16, 2011. The book, The Chosen One, from the Savior Project series, came out and it's been hectic ever since. The author is squirreled away working on book 2 - Terlokya.

So let's do the first post of the blog from the author. It was the intro and done on 1/23/13.

Hey y’all. My blog is named “The Odyssey of this Writer”, and it’s the story of how I became a fantasy/sci-fi/romance (combo) writer. At least for the current 6 book series I’m doing.  Here's the link: l post every Tuesday and keep it short. So follow if you dare and click if you like. It's gonna be a heckava ride. You're going to think I'm insane. (That is if you don't already) ;)

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